“Cowboy Bebop : Childhood Blue” is a live action adaptation of the 80’s classical anime “Cowboy Bebop”. I created several key frames and researches.
Spike the main character tries to find a young kidnaped girl, his investigation will lead him to some Mafia lair. Through the inquiry he will meet Faye and a monkey named Tony who will soon help him to find the missing girl.
The Mafia Pub : Final keyframe, black and white compositions and color key iteration.
The Chase: Final keyframe, black and white compositions and early cadillac landspeeder ideas.
The Space portal: Final key frame and fx idea.
Hi, I’m a young concept artist, after a few experiences in video game studios,
I entered the New3dge concept art degree.
It was an amazing opportunity to learn from talented professionals, learn industry suited processes and push further my skills.
Here are some portfolio pieces I did during the past two years. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.